
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Life is Unpredictable

Lately, I'm very not in the mood juz like I was fall into a hole and it is very difficult to get up. I think I juz know what it is like to dissapoint ur parents. Many think it is not our luck but I think it is our fate. Sometimes we are at the top of a mountain but suddenly we can fall from the mountain to the bottom. In front of people,when I was hiding my sadness or my problems, I always give a fake smile...:-) but deep in my heart I am very happy because they are very successful in their life. I am very grateful because I was born in Islam because everytime I have serious problem and dont know where and who i will share this problem, I have Allah. Allah is omniscient. 

I keep praying for my future. When I was in critical situation, where I am forced to change my course in study. I did solat hajat and read Quran surah Ar-Rahman. After that, my heart feel calm juz like i dont have any problem. Alhamdulillah, the next day , I have given a second chance to correct my mistake.

Today, I read a quotes and it is very related to what just happen in my life...."Life at any time can become difficult, Life at any time can become easy. Good or bad They are seasons of life. It all depends upon how you take on life and adjust to these seasons.

Lastly, This is my own qoutes "Life is not to have gold and a lot of money ,Life is for Mardhatillah"..


  1. assalamualaikum afnan..:) aiman ni.. afnan, im just read ur blog... n im crying... afnan, hidup ni Allah jadikan sementara untuk kita hambanya.. ape2 pun yg terjadi, smua tu dalam ketentuan Allah.. jalan cerita kita dah pun tertulis sejak dari Luh Mahfuz lagi... memang betul pun, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.. kita simpati utk korang 4 org... tapi ape kan daya, kite hanya mampu berdoa n berharap, korang akan dapat yg terbaik lepas ni.. Allah uji afnan n 3 org yg lain tu bersesuaian dgn dri kita.. Allah tahu Afnan kuat utk hadapi semua ni... Allah uji dgn kesusahan, kekecewaan, kesedihan dan berita gembira selepas itu utk orang2 yg bersabar... Allah tahu afnan bleyh harungi semua ni... u r the chosen one afnan... be strong.. semua org ade mase diuji.. ade mase mendapat kejyaan, ade mase mendapat ketenangan... sebab ape.. sebab bumi ni bulat.. bile2 mase, seseorang tu akan jatuh.. dan bile2 mase seseorang tu akan naik... semua dalam takdir Allah...:) kita pun hanya mampu berdoa semoga Allah kuatkan hati kita mcm afnan bile datang ujian Allah utk diri kita pulak.. who knows... Allah knows everything...:)

  2. Waalaikumsalam. me also crying when I wrote this post..hehe..juz kidding..InsyaAllah..apapun hidup ini msti tabah.
